FOUR acts are lined up for the 140th Groovy Happening at Haworth.

The event takes place upstairs at the Parkside Social Club on Saturday, June 1, from 7.30pm until midnight.

Admission is £5, cash only, with all proceeds going to Manorlands hospice.

Amongst those performing is Neon Dice. Originally formed by four work colleagues to play at their firm's Christmas parties, the band evolved and took in public venues.

Also appearing is Elphin Phoenix and Brown Dog the Lock Keeper, comprising three former school friends. The trio plays original songs described as having "a very soulful twist".

Groovy Happening's own soundman, Luke Parker, will be taking to the stage as El Pea. The singer-songwriter will perform a mixture of covers and original music.

And performing too is self-taught guitarist Stuart Corrigan. His debut public performance was at the Bay Horse in Oxenhope, which subsequently led to him playing at Groovy.