KEIGHLEY Town Hall, dimly visible in the right-hand background, is the clue to this location as Lawkholme Crescent, in the days when a photographer could stand in the middle of the road and provide an object of interest to a dog!

However, as traffic increased, Lawkholme Crescent, as a potential short-cut between Cavendish Street and North Street, became a problem.

In 1930, the Sutton buses had to move their starting-point from Lawkholme Crescent to Townfield Gate, a bleak patch of land behind the premises on the left, destined to develop into a bus station.

Early in 1939, the Keighley News was noting the bus stations at Leeds and Bradford and commenting that Keighley’s would “compare with the best. If nothing else, the shelter which it will afford should be appreciated.”

The left-hand side of this scene disappeared to make way for the Omnibus Station offices opened in 1940.