by Henry Pettinger, secretary of Keighley Churches Together

I WONDER if Jesus had been born in Bethlehem's finest pub, whether we'd all we gazing at Christmas cards of Holiday Inn or Best Hotel and not the wonder and glory of that stable?

How often is it that our circumstances don't seem to match up with what we want, rather than seeing God provide for us.

There was a stable God had prepared for the birth since before He created the world. And I suspect that Mary and Joseph experienced a grace of satisfaction – His Shalom peace – in that provision, even if WE would have preferred a little more comfort.

Somehow we can experience His peace and goodness in the midst of life, if we have eyes open to see that He has actually prepared our days for us. This is not in a resigned 'what will be will be' way, but embracing our circumstances and through prayer see Him at work. Each of our current experiences finds itself within God's provision – He has not been caught short in wondering how to answer our prayers! He is with us, He is Emmanuel, His presence is with us now.

All of our days are in His hands, and there is a wonderful story to be told through what we are going through.

Sometimes it is the stable not the hotel though, but the wonder and the glory are there, in the story that He works into OUR lives!

Happy Christmas!