by Margaret Ward, Our Lady of Victories and St Anne's Parish

I THINK our greatest enemy today is fear.

The stories in the papers, the fear of newcomers, the fear of loss – of possessions, property, loved ones – the fear of disease, illness, disharmony. Fear is the total opposite of what God wants for the world.

We remember the Apostles were locked in the upper room “for fear”; they had lost Jesus, not once but twice! He had told them to wait and many times he had greeted them with the words, “do not be afraid”, but they were!

We are afraid too. Jesus was positive that His followers would be alright because He was going to send them an advocate, a helper; He was going to send the Holy Spirit to guide and inform them, to strengthen them, to inspire them to go out and do the work of spreading the Good News.

This Sunday we in the Church celebrate the wonderful feast of Pentecost, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It didn’t just happen once; it happens every time we place our trust in Jesus and refuse to be afraid because the Holy Spirit is within us and within the Church. Jesus has conquered sin and death, Jesus has given us His word that He will be with us always and for ever, all we have to do is trust and not be afraid.

Holy Spirit help us to conquer our fear, whatever it might be, and live with hope in our hearts The world would like to keep us in fear but hope must spring eternal in our lives.

Hope and not fear should be our battle cry against the trouble around us.