by Pastor Malcolm Neale, St Mark's, Utley

WE live in turbulent times.

North Korea and the USA standing off against each other, millions of refugees fleeing their homes and countries, daily knife attacks/sexual abuse taking place on our streets, families are at breaking point as they seek to balance their money and feed their families. And others are facing life-threatening disease, and all that goes with it.

In scripture we read that Jesus had been ministering to a vast crowd, and then before sending them home He fed them. He sends them off, then tells his friends to get into their boat and cross the lake. He meanwhile goes to a quiet spot to spend time with God.

In the early hours of the morning, He looks up and sees the sky is getting very dark, and the wind is getting up and a storm is coming. He immediately sets off and begins to tread the waves to reach His friends out on the lake.

On the lake they are struggling, with the sky becoming blacker, the waves bigger and the rain and the lightning all around, and then they see this figure coming towards them and they scream out in fear.

The reply comes back, "don't be afraid, it is I". Jesus enters the boat, and immediately there is calm.

I believe the Lord is looking out over Keighley today and sees so many of you who are experiencing storms of great magnitude in your lives.

He has heard your cry and is now "treading the waves" to reach you.

Even now He is knocking on the door of your heart, longing that you will let Him in.

Why not take that step of faith and begin to experience that peace and calm those disciples had many years ago on Galilee, the moment Jesus got into their boat?