NEWS this week that Keighley's police station is threatened with closure has sent shockwaves through the town.

Alarm bells were sounded when the cells at the Royd Ings Avenue building shut over a year ago.

Top-level assurances were given at the time that the station was safe.

But unfortunately, nowadays, assurances don't seem to be worth much.

As community leaders have said in unison this week, for a town of Keighley's size not to have its own police station is totally unthinkable.

Yes the police, like all other public sector bodies, are facing stringent times and must try to balance the books amidst a climate of severe cuts.

Some reorganisation may be needed to make best use of available resources.

But the loss of the police station – on the back of our criminal courts some years ago – cannot be an option.

No matter how our force chiefs try to dress it up, such a move could only be devastating for the town.