NO matter what our reaction to the election result, the system is crazy.

Sixty-three per cent of the population did not vote Tory yet they form the government, 49.8 per cent of the population in Scotland did not vote SNP yet SNP win 56 out of 59 seats, the Labour vote increases by 1.5 per cent yet they lose 26 seats, the Tory vote increases by 0.5 per cent yet they gain 27 seats; UKIP gains 10 per cent of the votes but have only one seat.

Only some form of proportional representation will produce a more representative Parliament and, more important, make more people believe their vote actually counts. This will mean more people involved in politics.

However cynical we may be about politicians, they make decisions that affect us all.

In the next five years expect to see the Americanisation of the NHS, a disastrous move out of the EU, continuing unfairness in our country and the federalisation of the UK (at least better than an independent Scotland and the break-up of the UK).

JOHN ROBERTS Lower Scholes, Oakworth