RE ‘MP fighting against ‘dog’s dinner’ Bills’ (Keighley News, February 23), this piece only proves Phillip Davies is not fit to be a member of any democratic organisation.

I say this because democracy is government by the people for the people, which can only be achieved if everybody is allowed to have an equal chance to put forward their point of view.

He says he is sticking up for equal rights, but denies other members the right to speak.

He goes on. He is standing up for his constituency and for what he feels is right for the country. I would ask, has he spoken to and received the opinions of all of his constituency?

His excuse for speaking for so long is that he is allowed to. Just because we are allowed to do something doesn’t mean we should do it. We are allowed to be drunk in public, but I doubt he is advocating we should all go out and do it?

The democratic why to proceed when confronted with a proposal with which you disagree is to succinctly explain your reasons for opposing it, and then propose an amendment that fits with your requirements for the proposal, then allow others to speak, if the suggested amendment has merit. They may then agree with it and adopt it. That way you not only stop the ‘dog’s dinner’ but get a much better Bill through.

If I were the speaker of the House, I would not call members to speak who have a record of wasting time and money in the way Phillip Davies does.

LAWRENCE WALTON Lower Park Green, Silsden