SELDOM in my 69 years (44 of which have been as a resident of Silsden) have I been so incensed as to put pen to paper and voice my views.

Which mindless idiots on Bradford Council have seen fit to approve 30-minute parking charges in the car parks of Silsden?

Whilst I appreciate councils have to investigate all means of raising additional revenue to meet additional needs, surely stock has to be taken of the implications of such decisions.

By charging 30p for the use of Silsden car parks for the first 30 minutes, all that has been achieved is to clog up all the streets adjacent to the main street of Kirkgate.

Incidentally, at the same time parking was also restricted in Kirkgate.

I cannot see that additional revenue of any significance will be raised by this initiative as the residents of Silsden are too savvy to pay an additional 30p to visit the butchers, bakers or post office, so the only thing gained is further clogged streets and potentially dangerous mayhem. The car parks are also half empty.

Time to think again Bradford MDC.