IN the harsh winter months it is easy to become despondent and focus on the negative. Bad news and news of bad decisions seems to dominate. So, let’s have a little bit of 'spring thinking'!

Our public servants are working tirelessly to keep hospitals functioning, our roads open, our society safe, bins emptied, and the elderly visited. Thank you.

Volunteers are providing food, advice, company and support to deprived and deserving members of our community. Others are taking on new responsibilities and galvanising communities to take action, organise events and enhance the environment. Thank you.

Bradford and Keighley councillors are giving up their time to plan how to manage ever-decreasing budgets and somehow try to maintain our services and improve our infrastructure. Thank you.

Let’s look forward to the spring, knowing we can rely on teams of people who work together to get us out of the winter gloom. Let’s be positive and see just what we can achieve together.


James Street
