I FIND myself compelled to write to you regarding the article where the ruling Labour Party on Bradford Council is once again promising to spend money in Keighley, something I will believe when I see it – Rate cuts to bring new firms and jobs (Keighley News, March 29).

Nevertheless, if what they say is true, why on earth wait until now to reveal this boost to Keighley? Why could they not have had a word with M&S for instance, perhaps a shop without crippling business rates might have been more attractive to them?

Furthermore, where is this money to come from? I read this article the day before I received a letter from Bradford Council telling me my contributions for my care package are to increase by £20 a month.

So am I to understand that the money for the one-way system, the repair of the potholes in our streets, the new road system in North Street and the rate cuts are to be funded from the reduction in adult services?

That may sound cynical, but knowing that an election is around the corner and the recent budget is something less than a hit, I for one am somewhat suspicious.

Oh, the bit about potholes and the one-way system is of course not to be taken seriously – that’s another myth emanating out of City Hall.