SIR - I have voted Labour in every general and local election since 1959 because despite the best efforts of the so-called 'loony left' the sensible wing of the party has remained in control.

All has now changed with Jeremy Corbyn as leader with the hard left support of the likes of Momentum. This has made him their hostage and forced to offer a range of incoherent and unworkable policies as well as a reluctance to control the abuse which the more extreme members of his party seem to think acceptable. The inevitable consequence is a rapid decline in his approval rating from over 55per cent a few weeks ago to just 31per cent now.

Little wonder then that the Tories (Simon Halliday T&A letters, April 20) are taking advantage of this golden opportunity to diminish what little standing he has in order to deflect criticism of their own leader. They of course are fully aware that she is only in power courtesy of the Democratic Ulster Party who in their own way are just as fanatical and unreasonable and with the power to frustrate any initiative they think is incompatible with their extreme Loyalist ideals.

Brian Holmans, Langley Road, Bingley