THE Keighley News headline 'Scourge of anti-social behaviour' quite honestly made me smile and then a tad cross – I would say to our mayor, other councillors and Inspector John Barker, in the words of a popular song, "hey leave them kids alone".

This is a classic situation of Folk Devils and Moral Panics clearly defined by the sociologist Stanley Cohen; the inspector particularly should probably revisit this work, as I am sure it would have been part of his police training.

Basically young people need spaces to be able to develop their identity and sense of self.

Could I ask the mayor and other local politicians, where are the spaces we used as young people? I refer of course to youth clubs, out-of-school experiences and unhindered use of recreation grounds.

Government cuts and tight council budgets leave no room for such luxury as youth safe space. Yes I have seen these young people and yes some may feel it's bad behaviour, but for me, a very old person, I understand the issue.

Because, dear editor, I was young once and as bad as the next person.

However not one of the said young people have been rude to me, just the opposite. Doesn't it depend rather on perceptions of what is or is not acceptable behaviour? Certainly high spirits are not anti-social behaviour.

Helen Hallam, Oakworth