KEIGHLEY Lions thoroughly enjoyed our time at the recent performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Our members felt that it was an utterly fantastic show and were glad to offer their support to Keighley Musical Theatre Company.

To begin with, praise must be given to the orchestra. The music was an effortless joy and got us foot tapping and swaying in joy. Well done to the musical director, Adam Bonface, and everyone in the team.

Beyond this, the individual performances were equally great. One of the real highlights was Charlie Holmes who did a stunning job as the narrator. Her motherly style worked wonderfully as she gently guided the audience through the show. Her singing was captivating, and her subtle charm was a delight. Further to this, every actor who played one of the brothers deserves acknowledgement. Their goofy portrayals were hilarious and particular attention should be afforded to Kylan Granger who really stole the show.

It would be amiss, however, not to highlight the great job that Harvey Dewhirst did as the titular character, Joseph. The role is not an easy one and requires an immense deal of talent which, fortunately, Harvey has.

There is no getting away from the superbly surreal nature of the show at large. If done right, it is a joy. If not, then it can fall flat. In this production, the former reigned supreme. Every aspect of the show was a pleasure to watch. The costumes were well designed and the supporting cast, the staging and creative direction were clever. In every sense of the word, this was well pitched, expertly executed and, above all, professional to the highest standard.

Keighley Lions are already looking forward to the next show and being able to witness a bit of Broadway in our backyard once again.

Councillor Luke Maunsell, Keighley Lions Club