The Last Night of the Proms will bring to an end the annual concert by Steeton Male Voice Choir in Ilkley.
The choir will perform the traditional Proms songs with its guest brass band, the Hepworth Band.
Both groups will perform separately during each half of the concert at the King's Hall on October 20.
Steeton spokesman Eric Parker said: "The Hepworth Band made an immediate return to the British Open Championships in the most emphatic musical fashion by winning the Grand Shield for the second time in their history at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool, this year.
Tickets for King's Hall cost £10 from 01274 598221 or
Steeton Male Voice Choir was last weekend due to perform in Worksop at the 40th anniversary concert of the Anston Male Voice Choir.
Next month the Steeton choir heads for the Albert Hall in London to perform as part of a concert of massed choirs and brass.
This Saturday it will perform at Holy Trinity Church, from 7.30pm. Tickets £7 from 01535 637435.