The original Scorpion King, a spin-off from the Mummy movies, was an effective big-budget adventure starring The Rock.

The budget was clearly lower for this follow-up which sees warrior Mathayus without his crown and working as a mercenary with a death wish.

Horus, the King of Egypt's, sends Mathayus to protect his ally King Ramusan and through some overcomplicated plotting our hero has to rescue Ramusan's daughter Silda.

It's part buddy-movie with Mathayus reluctantly bonding with his burping sidekick, part supernatural adventure with some hokum concerning a legendary medallion.

But where the movie really disappoints are in the all-important battle scenes: bloodless, poorly edited and cheap-looking, basically a bunch of sandal-clad extras that could have come straight out of Xena Warrior Princess.

David Knights