To run or not to run? That is the question.

Last week, my timeline on Twitter and Facebook was full of people disappointed or elated because they’d got a place in the London Marathon. Admittedly some were elated because they hadn’t got a place!

Having completed dozens of half-marathons, this year I’m stepping up to the plate and doing it myself.

On Friday morning Aimee K, a regular client of mine, sent me a text. It read: “I’ve done something really stupid... I’ve entered the Manchester Marathon”. Aimee is a regular runner but even for her, a marathon is a big step up from the eight-milers we’re used to doing.

Whilst for most people running a marathon is neither an attractive nor a desirable proposition, running is something almost all of us can do. The benefits for health and fitness are unquestionable, and it costs very little. Strap on a pair of trainers and off you go. “Hang on,” I hear you all gasp. “I can’t run.”

Yes, you can! It’s the most natural thing in the world. Babies run before they walk!

Now I’m not suggesting you go out there and try running round the streets of Keighley tomorrow. You have to prepare and build it up. Start with brisk walking.

My favourite activity with new runners is lamppost running. It’s very simple. Find a small loop (between half and a full mile) and warm up with a brisk walk once round the loop, then run between one lamppost and the next, then walk to the next lamppost, then run a lamppost and so on until you’ve completed a loop. As you get used to it, just add more loops or find a bigger loop. As your running improves, run two lampposts and walk one. I’d always suggest running with someone, and if you’re new to running, run at a pace that allows you to chat with them. Another great way to start running is to get involved in the Park Runs. These are free 5K runs every Saturday morning. It’s not a race, it’s just you against yourself and your time. Locally, we have one in Bradford at Lister Park and now in Skipton at Aireville Park. These are free events and all the family can go along and get involved.

I’ll be at the Skipton run on Saturday. If you need someone to push you along, just give me a shout and I’ll be happy to pace you round.

Visit the websites at and for further information about the Park Runs.