Matthew McArdle MA BSc (Hons) MCSP is a physio and personal trainer based in Keighley. E-mail him at

There is a saying ‘You are what you eat’. Whilst this isn’t entirely true, what you eat and put in your body has a massive bearing on what your health, fitness and waistline will be like. You can follow the best exercise regime in the world, specifically designed to get you to attain your weight loss or weight gain or fitness goals. However, if it’s not fuelled correctly, then you might as well sit at home and watch Emmerdale!

Talk to any personal trainer and they will tell you it’s 70 per cent diet, 30 per cent exercise. So, whatever activity you’re taking part in you need to eat the right things. That doesn’t mean depriving yourself. It means getting the balance right.

One of the main problems I see with clients is portion control. They eat well, but just too much of it. So how do you make sure you don’t eat too much of the wrong foods.

Try these tips if you think you’re putting too much food in your body: l Never watch TV whilst you are eating. The signals from your stomach to your brain are interrupted and you will tend to overeat.

l For your main meal of the day, at least half your plate should be vegetables. These fill you up and are very nutrient-dense – you get a lot from them in terms of vitamins and dietary fibre.

l If you tend to have seconds, apply the ten-minute rule. When you finish your first serving, wait ten minutes. If you still want some more, have some. But you will tend to find you don’t – it’s all about those signals from your stomach to your brain getting there.

l Never, ever ever skip breakfast! The most important meal of the day, it kick-starts your metabolism and, if you eat the right food, prevents sugar cravings later in the day.

You also need the right foods to fuel your body. These include: l plenty of fruit and vegetables l good, clean protein sources – meat, fish or Quorn products for the vegetarians l avoiding processed foods, wherever possible – these products are full of chemicals your body really doesn’t like; and l drink plenty of water.

Exercise alone isn’t going to be enough. Combine these tips with your regular exercise programme to maintain a healthy weight. A little of what you like won’t hurt, as long as it is a little!