I LOVE my job and the work I do.

I don't do it just for the money, I do it because I genuinely believe I am making a difference to people's lives and that makes it very satisfying.

I also have the privilege of working with and alongside others who feel the same.

I despair, however, at some of the things I see and hear some so called "fitness professionals" doing.

Working for myself, I find that I need to be very active on social media. It allows me to share hints and tips, I can see what else is going on in the health and fitness world.

My timelines are filled with posts from personal trainers, physios, group exercise teachers and coaches. Lots of it is fantastic and there are lots of people out there doing a fantastic job.

However, this last week or two I've seen and heard a few things that has made me wonder why some people are working in this fantastic industry.

Earlier this week, a lady came to see me to take a look at her shoulder. I've treated her before for other problems. She told me she'd recently joined a big chain budget gym, not in Keighley I hasten to add.

Fantastic I told her. She wasn't impressed though. Her induction was done by one of the Personal Trainers who informed her from the outset that he didn't want to do it, it was boring and that they needed to get it done as quickly as possible.

Okay she thought, I'll just go with it. She asked a few questions along the way, as you would. His response: "I'm not telling you that, you'll have to book a session and pay me money for that kind of information". Disgusting.

This week I've also viewed videos online that PTs/instructors have put on promoting themselves and what they do.

Quite frankly, I could stand outside the door handing out my business card because if that's indicative of what's going on in their classes and sessions then I'm going to have to take on some extra staff to deal with the influx of injuries.

There are lots of people working in the fitness and health industry that are doing a fantastic job. Their level of commitment is unquestionable.

If you want to get rich, you don’t get into this industry, they do it for the love of the job. The results their clients and class participants achieve are remarkable.

But, as in any industry, there are people just tagging along for the ride.

As a client/participant question your trainer or instructor. If they don’t know the answer they should have the integrity to say so and guide you to the right place to get the answers, or even find out themselves.

This is a ‘profession’. If you’re investing your time and money in your own health and fitness you deserve to get results-safely.

Choose your professionals carefully and if it feels wrong, you know what, it probably is.