SUSIE Dent, the presenter of Dictionary Corner on TV quiz show Countdown, produced what she said was an interesting word.

That was “fracture” – and she gave the meaning to be the way paint is handled in art.

Tactile and textured styles need to show thick directional angles, yet some people decree that brushstrokes should not be visible.

Perspective is another interesting word. This is a method of lines which meet at the viewing point. Leonardo da Vinci famously kept these lines in his drawings.

Less difficult tips follow to help create interest in your paintings:

It is suggested that you paint non-stop for 30 minutes, then start another painting for 30 minutes immediately. This encourages a less tight approach as well as confidence.

If painting indoors, make black-and-white photographs of your reference material. This shows where shadows and highlights are needed.

Unusual effects can be made using everyday materials. Large flakes of sea salt left to dry , then brushed off give unexpected patterns.

Another method to press scrunched-up clingfilm on to wet watercolour paint, and leave it until bone dry, then lift off.

Both methods can be used during the early stages of paintings.

Tone, contrast, pebbles or sand can appear by “displaying” paint from an old toothbrush. Marks from wax candles can create wax resistance to paint.

A barely-wet natural sponge can be used to gap paint randomly, to create leaves on trees or other large textured areas.

The direction of painting is important: if painting an apple, straight lines will not show that it curves.

Without illustrations, descriptions may not be clear, so by all means visit Keighley Art Club to speak to members.

A small charge is made at each meeting towards room rental. Several visitors have been welcomed in the past, and some go on to join the group.

Keighley Art Club’s winter break has ended. We hope to have an interesting exhibition in Cliffe Castle Museum, but I’m awaiting details.

At some of our meetings, members bring Items to inspire them. The titles of some of these meetings are Bluebell Woods, Living Landscapes, Perspective, Pot Luck, Scenic Views, Scaling Portraits, Critique Day, and Sunsets.

All these amazing and diverse subjects will happen before August, or if you feel bored by them, you can take along whatever you are working on.

There will also be professional sessions this season with Jeremy Taylor, Paul Talbot Greaves, Dionne Hood and Cath Ingles.

All four artists are on return visits with new subjects, and are riveting to watch. Visitors are welcome on payment of a charge.

* Visit, click What’s On then Out & About, to see previous Picture Perfect articles.