BY THE REV DEREK WALMSLEY Vicar of St Mark’s Church, Utley

By the time you read this, the churches of Keighley will be running another free barbecue for the people of the town. We call it ‘On the Move’, although I can’t remember why!

During the second half of Bank Holiday week we’ll be serving free burgers and hot dogs at lunchtime each day on Church Green along with live music and a great atmosphere.

Of course, the atmosphere will also depend on the fickle British weather which has been amazingly good for this event nearly every year. (Last year it was awful, but we blame the Queen for having a Jubilee! It meant half-term was a week later than usual).

So can we Christians claim that we have a hotline to heaven and get good weather whenever we need it? Of course not. Prayer isn’t like that. Prayer is a relationship that includes asking for things but it involves much more besides.

Christians call God ‘Father’ because Jesus taught us to pray that way. Our relationship with Him is like that of a child with a parent. A parent who loves us and knows what’s best for us, including not always giving us what we want!

Anyway, come and ask for a burger. In this case, you WILL get what you ask for – until we run out!

And while you’re eating ask us about our faith and the reason why we give things away!