KEY ab advance business; ac art and crafts; ad art and design; am advance manufacture; ap accounting; ar art; as applied/advanced science; bac baccalaureate; bg British government and politics; bi biology; bk book-keeping; bs building studies; bu business studies; cc design communication; cf community studies; cg catering; cg classical Greek; ch chemistry; cl classical civilisation; cm computing; cn Chinese; co commerce; cp computer studies; cs communication studies; cr design technology; cz citizenship; da dance; dn design; dr drama; ds domestic science; ea English language; ec economics; eh economic history; ei English literature; ek electronics; en English; enl English language and literature; epq extended project; er engineering; et earth science; eu European studies; ev environmental studies; ex, extended project; exa expressive arts; ey ecology; fa fine art; fi finance; fl film studies; fm further maths; fr French; fs food studies; gc graphical communication; gk Greek; gl geology; gn German; gp government and politics; gr art graphics; gs general science; gt general studies; gy geography; ha history of art; hb human biology; hc home economics child care; he home economics; hf home eco-nomics food; hi history; hl health & social care; hn Hindi; hs health science; ht home economics textiles; hu humanities; in Italian; it information technology; ja Japanese; ka key-boarding application; la Latin; lb landbased studies; li Latin and Roman civilisation; lr leisure studies; lw law; ma maths; mm maths with mechanics; mp pure and applied maths; mr arithmetic; mu music; mv motor vehicle studies; mw maths with stats; of office practice; os office studies; pa Punjabi; pb public services; pc physics/chemistry; pd D&T product design; pe physical education; pf per-forming arts; pg art and design photography; ph physics; pi philosophy; pl Polish; po pottery; ps physical science; pu Portuguese; pw preparation for working life; py psychology; rr rural science; rs religious studies; ru Russian; sc science; sh shorthand; sk skills force; so sociology; sp Spanish; sr sports studies; ss social studies; st statistics; tn technology; ts theatre studies; tt travel and tourism; tv media studies; tx art textiles; ty typing; ur Urdu; wk craft and design wood * indicates grade A ** indicates grade A* A Level Single Award L Ackroyd, ma, py; J Allen, ea, ei, gn; L Allen, ea, fr*, py; K Babolcsay, bi, ma; S Bailey-Turnbull, cs; P Baines, bi; J Beaumont, py; A Beazley, gt*, hi, pl; J Beckwith, ei, hi, py; J Beech, hi, ma, ph; J Bertwistle, bi, ei, gt, py; A Birch, ad*, gt; K Birkebaek, ea*, ei, gt, gn*; S Black, pl; H Blake, ch, ma*, ph*; R Bonser, gn; Z Bostan, cs; J Briggs, bu, gt, ma*, ph*; K Briggs, bu, gt, ma**, ph**; R Briggs, bu, gt, ma*, ph*; H Brook, cs; K Bucke, cs, py; O Butterfield, pd, gy, hi; H Catley, bu, gy; J Cawthorne, bu, sr; Z Chan, cs, py; J Chapman, py; S Cheung, tx**, bu*, gt**, gn; D Clarke, ma; C Darley, cs*, ei, exa; C Davis, bi, ea**, ei*, gt**; T Denton, pd, gy; P Devanney, pd; H Dixon, exa, gt, ma*, fm; L Dixon, ei, exa; R Edwards, ei, ar, gt, hi; E Evans, bi, sr; J Figg, gt, gy, hi, ph; E Firth, ea*, ei, gt, py*; R Fountain, bi*, gt, ma*, ph; R Garnett, ch, ma; G Gill, bi, gt, ma**, ph*; S Graham, py; S Grant, exa, py; A Hardaker, ei; R Henson, ea*, ei*, exa; A Hollings, bi*, ch, gt**, gn, py; E Hughes, ei, gt, hi, pl; A Kaplan, gt, py; H Kaye, tx**; M King-Mason, bi, ch, gt, ma; J Lee, bi, gy, hi; E Liu, bi, ch, gt**, hi*; B Makhokolo, ea; C Manthorp, bi; L Marklew, py; L Marsh, ma, py; H Mason, bu, ma, pl; C McAvoy, bi, ei; J McAvoy, bi, bu, gt, py; J Meehan, gn; C Moffat, bu, pl, py; B Moore, bi, py; E Narey, py; E O'Driscoll, bi, hi, sr; E Osborne, tx**; C Paulat-Brigg, ea; A Poponet, py; J Preece, ch*, ph*; D Ridehalgh, bi, py, sr; A Rooke, ch, gt, ma*, ph; C Ross-Bryar, bi, ch, gt, py; J Russell, bi, ch, gt, gn, ph*; D Santabarbara, bu, ea, py; A Sharif, bi, ch, gt, ph; S Sheryn, py; M Simons, ei*, gt**, hi*, pl; M Snowden, ad; A Stares, gt**, ma**, fm*, ph*, pl; L Stevens, ad*, tx*, ei; E Stirk, ea, exa; B Summersgill, bu, ma, py; C Taylor, bi, py; L Watson, gn; L Whitaker, bi*, ch, gt, ph; L Wilson, ad, ei, hi; S Wood, pd; K Woof-Booth, cs, ei, hi; T Wright, pd A Level Double Award P Baines, it; J Barton, it; J Beaumont, it; D Clarke, it; N Fearnley, ad; R Hargreaves, ad; E Hindle, ad; A Kaplan, ad; H Kaye, ad; C Manthorp, ad; Z Metcalfe, it; E Osborne, ad BTEC Diploma Level 3 * denotes distinction D Baker, hsc; H Binns, er; A Birch, gr; A Bostan, hsc*; J Brewin, hsc; B Burridge, hsc; S Conway, as*; C Cullen, hsc*; B Davis, er; P Devanney, er*; T Duncan, er; M Dyson, as; M Edwards, hsc*; L Greenwood, as; F Hall, hsc; J Hargraves, as*; J Harrison, hsc; E Jones, hsc*; A Khalid, hsc; H Lee, as; L Marklew, as; H Mateo, as*; J Meehan, er*; S O'Reilly, hsc; A Poponet, as; W Storrie, er*; J Vero, hsc; D Whitham, as; L Wilson, er*; M Wiseman, er; S Wood, er*; B Woods, hsc; T Wright, er*; A Yeadon, hsc BTEC Subsidiary Diploma Level 3 ** denotes distinction * denotes distinction L Ackroyd, bu**; S Bailey-Turnbull, as, bu**; D Baker, as**; R Barrett, as*, da*; J Barton, bu; S Black, bu**, sr**; L Blower, as**; R Bonser, as**, bu; A Bostan, as**; Z Bostan, as*; J Briggs, er**; K Briggs, er**; R Briggs, er**; H Brook, bu**; K Bucke, as**; J Buffey, dr, as, sr; H Catley, sr**; J Chapman, as, sr**; S Conway, sr**; C Cullen, as*; C Darley, dr**; B Davis, as*; T Denton, as*; L Dixon, da**; M Dyson, sr**; M Edwards, as; R Edwards, dr**; N Fearnley, gr; R Garnett, bu**; S Graham, dr**, as*; S Grant, bu**; L Greenwood, sr**; F Hall, as*; A Hardaker, dr; R Hargreaves, as*; J Harrison, as; E Hindle, gr*; R Hobson, as; E Jones, as; A Kaplan, gr**; A Khalid, as**; B Makhokolo, as*, da**; L Marsh, da*; C McAvoy, dr**; T McCann, as, er; J Meehan, as*; Z Metcalfe, bu; B Moore, bu**; E Narey, bu**, da**; S O'Reilly, bu**; C Paulat-Brigg, as*, sr**; C Pratt, as**, bu**; S Sheryn, bu**; A Smith, gr, da*; M Snowden, as*; E Stirk, da**; W Storrie, as*; S Thomas, as, sr; J Vero, as**; L Watson, as*, sr*; D Whitham, sr**; L Wilkinson, gr, da**; L Wilson, as*; M Wiseman, as*; K Woof-Booth, dr**; A Yeadon, as* BTEC National Award * denotes distinction R Barrett, hc*; L Blower, hc*; J Brewin, hc; B Burridge, hc*; C Pratt, hc*; A Smith, hc; M Snowden, hc; L Wilkinson, hc; B Woods, hc*