Councillors will debate whether to back a scheme designed to reduce roadworks traffic congestion in Keighley.

Bradford Council’s executive will be asked to adopt a scheme that would mean utility and other companies digging up roads will have to complete their work as soon as possible or incur penalties.

If the Yorkshire Common Permit Scheme is brought in, it will allow Bradford Council to designate certain roads as Permit Streets.

Anyone wanting to carry out roadworks in a designated street will have to get a council permit. This will allow contractors to work on a street for a limited time, and fines can be imposed where work overruns.

Councillor Val Slater, Bradford executive member for planning, highways and transport, said: “This will give us greater control over utilities companies, and better co-ordination of their activities with our own highway work to minimise disruption.”

The executive should decide whether to endorse the scheme on Tuesday. If councillors support it, a consultation process will begin before an application is made to the Secretary of State.