In response to Councillor Jan Smithies’ letter – There are no simple ways to find budget cuts of £115m (Keighley News, November 21) – I understand cuts must be made but make the cuts in the right places.

Make the bankers pay – they caused the problems in the first place. Make the fat cats who earn millions pay their income tax in full. Working men and women pay their income tax in full and they earn nothing like the fat cats.

Also (remembering there is no money) hit the MPs. Stop their benefits and cut their wages (in it together, is what Cameron said).

And, no doubt, councillors in some cases. Cut their expenses for there is no need to cut vital services – just mention police and firemen.

If the government is brave enough to hit children by cutting family credit, then this government should cut their own wages and benefits. But they won’t do that for they look after themselves and the wealthy.

So, again, it boils down to make the workers pay (and their children). Nothing has changed, and under this Tory government, nothing will.

Ashley Forsyth North Dean Avenue, Keighley