There was a good representation of residents at the February meeting of Cowling Parish Council, and among the issues discussed were a grant towards new equipment for Cowling Cricket Club and funding towards the purchase of flowers for the flower festival at Holy Trinity Church in May. Concern was expressed about the planning application for two houses at Nan Scar, also about debris on the footpaths and main road from New Hall to Malsis, which is situated in Sutton Parish although used by everyone, the continuing eyesore of overflowing bins at the back of Gibb Street on the main road, and the old phone kiosk which, despite repeated complaints to BT, has still not been removed. It was confirmed that North Yorkshire County Council had approved of double yellow lines on Park Road at the junction with the A6068 main road. The poor state of the Acre Field footpath no 36 had been reported and this matter is now being investigated by the county council’s footpath department. Plans for the commemoration of the First World War were also discussed, and also ongoing concern was again expressed about the non-attendance of the district councillor.

The next parish council meeting will be held on Monday, March 3 at 7pm at St Andrews MC.