In reply to the letter – We have never had grown-up debate about being in the EU (Keighley News, January 30) – by Leo Robinson.

This is one of the main reasons why we do need to get out of the EU, as Mr Robinson clearly does not fully understand the EU as a whole will never negotiate in returning some of the powers both Labour and the Conservatives freely handed over.

For one, it goes against the entire EU constitution. I am also quite sure Mr Robinson is also unaware that because of the Lisbon treaty, all UK goods that have to travel through the EU states to points beyond the EU, have to be marked as being sold to the EU, commonly known as the Rotterdam effect.

What we need to ask ourselves is would the Conservatives grant a referendum in 2017?

I think history itself can answer that question as the Conservatives have indeed used this ploy in not just the past general election, but the one before.

Even the Liberal Democrats were pro referendum at the past election, and going back even further, Labour also at one point wanted out.

Mr Robinson, it’s not arrogance, as you claim, that is coming from UKIP, it's exasperation that none of the Lib/Lab/Con trio will give the people of the UK at least a chance to voice their views on whether to stay in the EU or leave the EU, so that the question is put to bed either way and we can move on in that direction, whatever way that may be.

But, unlike previous years, where UKIP was agreeably a singular policy party, that has now changed extremely to a full policy party, with fully viable and verified policies, ranging from benefits to defence and from agriculture to immigration, plus everything else in between.

George Firth Whin Knoll Avenue, Keighley