We have a choice in this May’s European elections and council elections.

We can have more Labour politicians, who would do anything Brussels wanted and not fight for our sovereign powers, or for our border controls or to plan for the size of the population after another round of record immigration, displacing British people from finding work and consigned to welfare dependency.

And also more UKIP politicians polarising the debate and saying being in Europe is bad for us while ignoring the evidence.

Or we can have more Conservatives in office, fighting for our sovereign powers and reducing immigration to sensible levels, and opting out of EU laws that do not suit us, renegotiating our membership of the EU, saying to Europe that if we don’t get what we need then we will leave. So that long before our promised referendum on EU membership in 2017, we will see a Europe that will accommodate our needs.

Do not be fooled. Britain is not alone in euro-scepticism. There are many northern European countries that want the same freedoms and same democracy we want.

We can take back what is ours, but only with a strong Conservative government.

Leo Robinson Church Street Keighley