Sunday: Service, 10.30am, Keighley New Church, Braithwaite, led by the Rev Christine Bank. Tea and coffee will be served after the service in the church hall.

Tuesday: Yoga class, Laycock Village Hall from 11am-12.30pm. Suitable for people of all abilities, if you have any queries, contact Barbara on 665910.

Wednesday: On the first Wednesday of every month there is a Coffee Club at Laycock Village Hall with a book exchange from 10am to noon. Everyone is welcome and we look forward to seeing you there so why not come along and meet your friends or perhaps make some new ones. For further information please contact Jan on (01535) 667508 The next meeting of the Bronte Blues Club will be on Saturday, March 7, when you will be able to hear the incredible Dale Storr’s New Orleans Big Band. For further information and tickets, visit

Laycock WI members got their knitting needles out at last Thursday’s meeting when Jane Ellison of Purl and Jane Knitting Emporium, Skipton, gave a “hands-on” knitting lesson. The room resounded to the clacking of needles, the more experienced proudly showing off their skills while others just plodded on and did their best. Jane, an excellent teacher, managed to give guidance to everyone, from beginners to champion knitters. A hand knit designer, Jane loves the feel and colour of wool and has written many books on the subject. She only uses top-quality yarns and is a firm believer in the natural approach to creating your own look. Having recently found out her family roots are from this area, she is on a mission to bring Yorkshire yarn back to Yorkshire. Katrina Thackray gave a vote of thanks for what was a very enjoyable evening.

The ‘Partylite’ evening held at the home of Julie Glentworth raised £82 for group funds and a prize donated from the evening will be raffled at a later date. A reminder of the coffee morning in March was given and news that the group was a winner this month in the 50/50 Federation Club Draw.

Competition winners were1 Carole Albone, 2 Karen Walbank, 3 Val Pearson. Next month is the AGM and the hostesses for the night are Judy Hazlehurst and Linda Littler.