You can now do the Lottery at Thwaites Brow Post Office and also buy Euros and pay utility bills.

Long Lee Shell Group meets at Long Lee Methodist Chapel on Fridays at 6.30pm for ages eight to 12 years. For details how to join contact Jenni Presland on 07799030706.

Thwaites Brow Brownies meet in St Barnabas Church Hall on Mondays from 6.15pm for details and to add names to the waiting list contact Sue on 211837. The 25th Keighley/Long Lee Scout group also meets there on Thursdays, Beavers meet from 5.15 to 6.15pm. Cubs 6.30 to 7.45pm. and Scouts from 7.45 to 9.15pm. For information the contact is by e-mail

On Sunday there are services at St Barnabas Parish Church. 8am Holy Communion. 9.15am Parish Communion. 6.30pm Guest Service. At Long Lee Methodist Church All Age Worship with Deacon Claire Gill.

Keighley Men’s Forum meets in Keighley Playhouse on Devonshire Street today from 10am. There is a talk with pictures of a walk on the Camino de Santiago by Ian Nichol.

The Out and About group walk next Wednesday will be led by Stella and will go from Addingham. Meet at Keighley bus station to catch the 762 Ilkley bus which leaves at 10.20am.

Long Lee Methodist Chapel’s Church Council will meet there next Wednesday at 2pm. And on Saturday March 15, there is a Daffodil Coffee Morning from 10am until noon.

The Morning Worship Service at Long Lee Methodist Chapel was led by the minister Tanya Short. The theme for the service was about doing unto others as you would wish them to do to you. She spoke about how Jesus, on the cross, had forgiven his captors. This she said was an example to all nations and creeds. There were readings by Gwen Webster and Nola Moore. Recorded organ music was provided by Ann Murgatroyd.

The celebrant at the sung Parish Communion at St Barnabas Parish Church was the Rev Canon Bruce Grainger. He preached on how in an evolving world God is the constant and how important it is to work to improve things. Readers were Helen Salt and Doreen Godfrey. Intercessions were led by Margaret Anstey and Billy Clayton administered the chalice, organist was Edna Huggett. The monthly Fun Church was led by Helen Salt who with her helpers developed the theme by art, songs, readings and baking.

The morning service at Long Lee Methodist Chapel will now be led by Maurice Baren.