Planners have given the go-ahead for 12 homes to be built on a field in Eastburn.

The homes are earmarked for a site south of Greenfield Farm in Main Road.

The outline planning application was granted by the council’s regulatory and appeals committee after little discussion.

A statement by a nearby resident, read out to the committee, said locals had concerns about loss of light, pressure on nearby schools and the tendency of the site to get waterlogged.

But the committee heard concerns about loss of light could be addressed when the plans come back at the reserved matters stage, where the layout and design of the homes will be discussed.

It also heard Yorkshire Water had recommended a drainage system be installed.

The developer has agreed to make a set of payments for community improvements, under a Section 106 agreement, to offset the impact of the new homes.

These are £14,563 to improve local play areas, £21,916 towards schools, £5,544 towards subsidised travel cards for the occupants of the new houses and £15,000 for programmes regarding the South Pennine Moors special protection area.