Sunday: 10.30am, morning worship at Riddlesden United Reformed Church, led by Mr A Whiteley, and at 12.15pm light lunch in the meeting room before the AGM and church meeting.

Monday: 10.30am, exercise class at Riddlesden United Reformed Church Morton Women’s Institute met recently when Mrs Ross presided and welcomed 31 members and two guests. A report on the WYFWI’s 31st annual meeting held in March was given by the delegate, Val Muff, who reported that the meeting had been very interesting. Information was given on the forthcoming programme of events which was most varied. The Aire Gap Group outing will be on Wednesday, June 11 to Wedgwood Museum and Trentham Estate. They will be joined by friends from Laycock and Stanbury WIs.

In 2015 the WI celebrates its centenary. A WI centenary baton started its journey on January 1 in Anglesey and over the next 18 months will make its way around the federations until it arrives at the Royal Albert Hall, London for next year’s NFWI AGM on Thursday, June 4, 2015. The baton will arrive at Morton Institute on Saturday, May 3, and a coffee morning/afternoon event is planned, and also three guided walks of three, five and eight miles have been organised. A request was made to members for cakes and help with serving refreshments. The speaker was Lynn Marie Cunliffe who was accompanied by her husband John. Lynnn was most entertaining, speaking on the topic of the life and times of Jane Austen.

The evening concluded with John playing a 12-string guitar, and singing accompanied by his wife, and audience participation, in various songs of the period. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 13 at 7.20pm at Morton Memorial Institute, Main Road. Visitors are welcome to attend for up to three meetings before applying for membership.

Cost for visitors £3 to include refreshments. For further information, visit or contact the secretary.