Strong Close Nursery School has been classed as ‘good’ in all areas by Ofsted inspectors.

The Marley nursery was particularly praised for its clear leadership, supportive teachers and well-behaved children.

The inspectors also said children with specific learning disabilities made good, and sometimes outstanding, progress.

But they called for the nursery to make efforts to raise children’s achievement in mathematics to the same level as other subjects.

The nursery school shares a site in Airedale Road with a children’s centre, day nursery and registered creche. It caters for a higher-than-average number of children with special educational needs, including 16 specially-resourced places.

Inspectors said the headteacher and deputy head provided clear leadership for staff, resulting in good and improving teaching.

Inspectors added: “Children’s behaviour is good, and is the result of good relationships with staff.

“Staff placed great emphasis on supporting children to be ready for school, making sure they enjoy learning.”

A supportive governing body challenged leaders and staff to continue improving teaching and children’s achievement.

Inspectors also asked the nursery to work with parents more closely to improve children’s attendance.

Strong Close headteacher, Beverly George, highlighted the inspectors’ praise for staff helping children make good progress and become “confident, happy and keen to gain new knowledge”.

She said: “Overall, we feel this report is an accurate judgment of Strong Close, which recognises this is a school that is continuing to improve.

“The inspector felt our attendance figures were not as high as they could be, despite the swift action the school takes to follow-up on absences. We will continue to work with parents to get across this very important message.”