SCHOOLS across the Keighley district today went Children in Need crazy.

Staff and students at both University Academy Keighley (UAK) and Glusburn Primary dressed as super heroes to raise money for the cause.

UAK's achievement administrator Shirley Cooke, who dressed as ecological hero Flower Power Girl, said everyone had responded well to the appeal.

She added that head teacher Linda Wallsgrove and assistant principal Neil Bithell had entered into the spirit of the day, dressing as Wonder Wallsgrove and Batman respectively.

"The costume side has mostly been taken up by the staff – any excuse to dress up as batman is welcome!" she said. "But some students have participated too.

"It was also a non-uniform day and our art department produced a big Pudsey Bear in the atrium, which the kids filled up with coins.

"There has been a bit of competition between the houses to see which could collect the most amount of coins.

"We've put on a spoof of the BBC Children In Need song God Only Knows, and students have been donating money to come into the auditorium and see it being performed."

At Oakbank School in Keighley, a range of fundraising activities has been staged and will continue next week.

So far over £330 has been coined-in.

Students helped boost funds by taking part in a competition, Wallace & Gromit's World of Invention, at Keighley Campus.

Teams were asked to make a donation to enter the contest, in which they were challenged to produce a device capable of lifting a piece of cheese and putting it on a cracker.

Year 11 students Sam Cubitt and Conor Gillson were the winners and received iTunes vouchers.

Denise Connor, head of work-related learning at Oakbank, said: "We are very proud of Sam and Conor. They came up with a very creative idea that carried out the task required and at the same time helped raise money for a fantastic cause."

* Have you been raising money for Children in Need? E-mail a photo and details to

Don't miss next week's Keighley News for a full round-up and more photos.