WHITE Christmas begins amidst the noise of war with Captain Wallace singing the poignant title song to his fellow troops.

And while the rest of this Leeds musical is unashamedly fluffy, it's this prelude that gives the show its emotional core.

Loyalty, to comrades, to family, to those you love, is a theme running throughout this almost-perfect Christmas entertainment.

Bob Wallace and wartime buddy Phil Davis become a top double act, and at Christmas 1954 they meet fellow performers the Haynes Sisters end somehow end up in mountainous Vermont, where they discover their old general is now an innkeeper facing bankruptcy.

“Let’s put on a show in the barn,” they say.

This age-old plot is only one part of a lovingly-concocted seasonal dish: imaginative and artful staging, terrific portrayals of sparky and memorable characters, big dance numbers, and Irving Berlin’s unashamedly romantic songs.

From the charismatic leading men Darren Day and Oliver Tompsett to the multi-talented chorus, everyone sparkles amidst the Yuletide glitter.

White Christmas could possibly benefit from a couple more set-piece songs, but overall it’s an enthralling, funny, heart-warming, old-fashioned treat.

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* Until January 17. Visit wyp.org.uk or call 0113 2137700 to book tickets.

David Knights