Farnhill and Kildwick

Joyce Wood

Tel 01535 635880

There will be a service of Holy Communion at St Andrew’s Church at 8.15am and 10am on Sunday. The Christmas carol service by candlelight will take place at 4pm, and children are invited to attend dressed as angels, shepherds, wise men or Nativity animals and be part of the tableau. There will be a crib service at 4pm on Christmas Eve and Midnight Communion at 11.30pm. There will be a service of Holy Communion at 8.15am on Christmas Day and Family Communion at 10am.

A carol service takes place at Farnhill Methodist Church at 10.30am on Sunday, when the preacher will be Patricia Henny. A total of £340 was raised for church funds at a Christmas fair on Saturday, and £8 for the Gambia Schools Trust. A total of £950 has been paid to the trust. this year Thanks are expressed to all who have contributed.

A musical party evening at Kildwick and Farnhill Institute raised £190.30 for institute funds.