THE FUTURE of public toilets in Keighley, Silsden, Haworth, Cross Roads and East Morton has been revealed to councillors.

Keighley Area Committee recently discussed a report on which toilets had been saved following Bradford Council’s proposal that they should be closed as a cost-cutting measure.

The new report reveals that the toilet block at the Punch Bowl in Silsden would be passed to the town council, whose street cleaner will in future open and close the toilets.

Keighley Town Council have agreed to take over the toilet block at East Morton, and the building is currently being transferred to the town council.

Council officers are negotiating with the newly-formed Friends of Cross Roads Park, who are keen to take over the running of the park’s toilet block subject to affordability.

There have been no expressions of interest for the toilets at the Penistone Hill car park in Haworth, so the block will be sold or disposed of. The toilet block at Keighley market will also be sold or disposed of.

Councillors last year agreed to keep open the toilets at Haworth Park and near the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth.