by Steve Tunstall, Trinity Church (Baptist and United Reformed)

THE Song of Solomon has some rather wonderful words in chapter two – “My beloved is mine, and I am His.” My beloved is first of all a precious possession, 1 Peter 2:7 will tell us, “unto you therefore which believe he is precious."

We can also appreciate that by our faith we also have a present possession, for the simple word ‘is’ speaks of the here and now. Moving on from a precious and a present possession we come to a personal possession – my beloved is mine. How wonderful that no-one who claims to be a Christian can ever be lost in the crowd in our relationship with our God and with our Lord and Saviour. But what of the word “I”? I am His – the prized possession of our Saviour for we were bought out of the penalty of our sins by Christ’s death and resurrection.

Then all believers are a permanent possession of our Saviour. Isaiah 43: will tell us, “do not be afraid – I will save you. I have called you by name – you are mine."

Finally, we are precious because we are a purchased possession. We can confirm this from Titus 2:14 which will tell us "He gave himself for us, to rescue us...and to make us a pure people who belong to Him alone." My beloved is mine and I am his.

So to summarise, we are a Precious Possession, a Present Possession, a Personal Possession, a Permanent Possession and a Purchased Possession.

As Christians, should we not glory in the fact that our Heavenly Father loved each one of us so much that he was willing to expend all that he had to give to redeem us back to himself and return us to his fold?