A KEIGHLEY town centre shop has again pulled out all the stops to celebrate Christmas in eye-catching style.

Joanne Smith-Travers, who owns Personal Ice cake shop in North Street, has been mounting painstakingly put together Christmas displays in the shop's front windows since the business opened 18 years ago.

This festive season is no exception, with one of the shop's main windows featuring a reindeer splatted by a giant snowball, a polar bear, skiing penguins and a Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer hotel.

The colourful Christmas figures have been crafted out of icing.

Mrs Smith-Travers, who runs the shop with her husband Geoffrey, said the second window display should be completed by the end of this week.

"A lot of hard work goes into it," she said.

"We used to be based in Cavendish Court, but now we're in North Street we're in everyone's view so it's good to have better looking shop windows.

"I want ours to be the best windows in town.

"We've won awards for our window displays, including the display we did for the Tour de France in 2014."

Mrs Smith-Travers, who has been making cakes for 38 years, added: "For Christmas I do something different each year for our windows.

"The one window we've finished so far took a full week to complete. It's the icing that takes the most time, cake decorating is a very time consuming hobby."