PATIENTS and staff at Airedale Hospital have received a lift.

The Friends of Airedale donated £20,000 to buy three inflatable medical mattresses, designed to help safely lift patients weighing up to 500kg.

GBUK Banana, a specialist in patient handling devices, supplied the equipment.

Matt Dickinson, manual handling lead at Airedale Hospital, says: "This equipment will be invaluable for helping staff practice moving and handling techniques, and will help keep them safe. The devices reduce stress on your body when supporting dependent patients from the floor. It will also enhance the experience for patients who require assistance."

Friends of Airedale chair, Alison Dixon, says: "We’re delighted to have been able to supply the hospital with equipment that will help make a real difference to patients and staff."

She added that the Friends, supported by volunteers and fundraisers, donate £150,000 to £200,000 worth of equipment and services to the NHS trust annually.