Help is at hand for people wanting to improve their health.

An open day is being staged at Keighley Healthy Living, Scott Street, on Wednesday, from 10am to 2pm.

Information will be available about the range of clubs, activities and low-cost courses on offer at the centre to help people improve their overall health and well-being.

Initiatives include sessions for people to achieve a healthy weight through diet and exercise, support and advice for young parents, cook-and-eat to teach people how to prepare nutritious meals from scratch and REG (the Riddlesden Exercise Group) which features seated exercises for the over-50s.

Members of various groups, such as the Keighley Italian Organisation, Art 4 All, Cross Stitch and the Modern and Mature craft group, will talk to visitors about their activities or demonstrate their skills and creations.

There is also a thriving town-centre garden and visitors will be given the chance to plant bulbs, buy lettuce plants and find out about forthcoming courses or volunteering opportunities.

Parents, carers and childminders can sign-up for the Highfield Children’s Centre free toy library.

Free refreshments will be served and entertainment will be provided by a local guitarist.

Keighley Healthy Living manager Peter Clarke said: “From planting to parenting skills, and from cross-stitch to cooking, there is a wealth of interesting activities running here every day for virtually everyone.

“No two days are the same – one day we could have our breastfeeding support group for mums who may need some one-to-one advice on feeding their baby, and the next it could be the Parkinson’s Society’s exercise and relaxation group.

“We try to give people the support and advice they need so they can make the right choices and change their lifestyle and habits, and in turn improve their own, or their family’s, health.”

For more information, call (01535) 677177.