A PRIMARY school which has won awards for its work to educate its pupils about food and cooking took advantage of Easter by showing children how to bake seasonal treats.

Year six pupils made traditional simnel cakes during cookery lessons to take home for their parents.

School food leader Tracy Roe said: "We talked about the meaning of the eleven balls on the top of the cake and about the Easter story, linking religious education with cooking.

"Year two pupils made Easter nest cakes during their cooking lesson.

"Our children were delighted with the end products, and couldn't wait to take them home for their parents."

Haworth Primary head teacher Helen Thompson said: "As a Food for Life Gold school, we ensure that cooking is fully integrated into the curriculum. "Cooking is linked to our class themes and during lessons explicit links are made to other areas of the curriculum such as maths, English, and RE.

"The children always enjoy taking the recipes home, so they can replicate their learning with their families."