GROUNDFORCE Day attracted a host of families to help improve the grounds at Haworth Primary School.

Parents, staff and children from pre-school to year six spent three hours on a range of tasks on Saturday last month.

Activities included painting fences, building growing beds, clearing weeds, cleaning the children’s sand area, and filling the digging pit for the early years. Pupils.

The volunteers also began planting the school logo in a growing bed at the front of the school, and planting a large number of trees donated to the Woodland Trust.

Haworth gardener Steve Thorpe, a long-time supporter of the school, provided help. The volunteers gets soup and bread.

School head Helen Thompson said: “We have developed our Groundforce days over the past three years and we really appreciate the support that we have from families and staff.

“As a Food for Life school, we take great pride in our school grounds and it was wonderful to have the school community working together to really enhance lots of different areas.

“It really was a case of many hands make light work and it was incredible how much the team achieved in a short period of time.”