A gang of teenage youths descended on Steeton with Eastburn parish councillors last week to the delight of its members.

The large numbers reflected the growing success of the parish’s youth activity work, funded by the parish council after young people complained there was not enough to do in the area. The group also attended the meeting to show their support for using the parish council-owned bowling pavilion as an indoor venue during the cold winter months.

Youth worker Lesley Sargison said: “We wanted to come and show you just how enthusiastic everybody is. I have put to them that they can form their own committee so the group can be run by itself, with our support.

“We were wondering if we could paint the building inside and apply for funding to buy things like a sandwich toaster, a new kettle and things like that?”

The parish council chairman, Councillor David Mullen, asked the group to put its requests down in writing for it to be considered at the next meeting.

He added: “At least it shows what we as a parish council are doing is having a benefit to the community.”