by George Jarvis, Airedale Church

ONE of the most well known Christian songs is Amazing Grace.

This was written by John Newton subsequent to his conversion to Christianity. John was a slave trader but came into the realisation that despite his despicable occupation, God loved him. John Newton realised that he was a recipient of God's grace.

The heart of Christianity is grace, and it is not surprising, in view of his life's experience, that John Newton describes grace as amazing. In simple terms what is grace and its significance? Grace is God acting towards us in total unconditional kindness and goodness. We don't have to do anything to get God on our side, God by his grace has done it all. We don't have do anything to earn God's love and forgiveness. In his grace he takes the initiative in loving us, and sent his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sin. God through his grace expressed on the cross has totally, unconditionally, forgiven us.

The biggest lie laid at the door of Christianity is that it is all about rules and regulations. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Christian faith is all about the grace of a loving Heavenly Father, who has of himself given his all - his beloved Son - so that his 'kids' by creation could come back into a beautiful loving relationship with himself.

The true Christian faith is not about religion, it is about relationship. He loves us, he has always loved us, and he will always love us. And nothing can separate us from his love. This is all because of God's grace.