IT SHOULD be a basic right of anyone to be able to go to work without fear of being physically attacked.

For anybody to have an actual expectation that at some point they will be assaulted, is absolutely appalling.

The revelation that nearly 40 staff at Airedale Hospital, plus many more NHS employees from the district care trust, have been victims in the past year is sure to cause abhorrence and anger in equal measure amongst every right-minded member of our community.

Doctors, nurses and their colleagues are dedicated to helping and caring for others.

They do a wonderful job, often without receiving the credit they deserve.

Their duties, being performed in testing and frequently high-pressured circumstances, are challenging enough without staff having to also worry about their safety.

Trust bosses – like any responsible employer – do what they can to to help protect their employees, but for those working on the front line, providing absolute protection is nigh on impossible.

However, staff should never have to accept that being abused is 'just part of the job'.

The authorities must ensure that where incidents do occur, strong and appropriate action is taken against the offenders.