THE RECENT news regarding the building of a police station in the centre of Keighley is to my cynical mind another sound bite akin to the promise of protecting the frontline police numbers.

It was not too long ago that the then minister for crime matters Mr Grayling was pictured in your newspaper questioning why the police needed a building at all!

The silly question was answered in my response letter which you kindly printed.

Mr Grayling is now trying to get a railway line built (that’s progressing well too).

Well, I may have an answer to the cash-starved police pot (which I do not doubt with the present government)... what about reopening the old police station some 200 yards away?

This was refurbished at great cost not too long ago – new cell block, help desk, escalator and so on.

What about allowing the parking of police vehicle (s) on a site where the proposed demolition nearby is “planned”? The area could be monitored by CCTV and fenced to protect the police car (if we still have one).

All this could possibly be paid for by the sale of the current police building which I believe is somewhere in Keighley.

The said CCTV could also monitor the boy racers and drug users who clearly are not too embarrassed to promote their socially-accepted actions.

All we would need then is a few police officers in the Keighley area!

And we were recently told crime was on the decrease, oh my, you could weep.