I've watched Inspector Pratt bumble through investigations several times on stage and I haven't always enjoyed the experience.
Actors in Peter Gordon's spoof murder mysteries have to walk a tightrope of moods between tongue-in-cheek and deadpan.
It's easy to flatten funny situations, witty lines or sight gags, either by hamming it up or heading in the other direction and missing jokes completely.
In the main CADS hit their targets, mining the comic potential of dialogue and set-pieces, with this sequel to their 2010 presentation Murdered to Death.
I certainly laughed a lot as Inspector, the long-suffering Constable Tompkins and amateur sleuth Miss Maple returned to Bagshot House.
Their search for a missing policeman brought him into contact with a lecherous Italian, a tally-ho squadron leader, a jolly-hockey-sticks Land Girl and a dippy clairvoyant.
June and John Robinson's production kept up the necessary pace, only faltering in the second act denoument when each character slowly revealed their secrets.
David Knights