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Kenneth Haighton CALVERT

Published on 05/09/2024

CALVERT Kenneth Haighton Ken's family would like to thank all relatives, friends and neighbours who attended his funeral service, for their kind words of condolence, the cards and message of sympathy and the generous donations to The Alzheimer's Society on behalf of Kenneth's late father, Fred. Thank you to Skipton Coop Funeralcare, especially Graeme for his kindness, support and meticulous planning of the funeral arrangements. Thank you to Felicity Mensah for her lovely words and portrayal of Ken. Also to Claire at Audrey Asquith florist for the beautiful floral tributes and the Tempest Arms at Elslack for the lovely food and to everyone that attended to celebrate his life. All enquiries to Co-op Funeralcare Skipton. Tel: 01756 700506.


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