
2 Rainbow trout (cleaned and gutted)

1 tbs oak sawdust

For the Brine

120g sea salt

120g caster sugar

3tsp peppercorns

Small bunch of dill

2 garlic cloves

2 litres of water


1. Mix all the ingredients together in a saucepan, bringing to the boil, stirring well, and allow the mixture to cool completely.

2. If you are starting with whole trout, cut length ways down the centre to make two fillets, leaving the spine and bones attached. Rub the fleshy side of the fish with the brine and set aside for ten minutes. Rinse briefly and place in the fridge to dry slightly.

3.Take a large steel wok and line with foil, long enough to extend the rim by about 10cm. Place your sawdust into the bottom of the wok ready for smoking.

4. Place a small metal rack inside (or you can use two skewers that will hold the fish in place) and have a lid ready to place tightly on the top of the wok (you could use foil if no lid available).

5. Place the fish on top on the rack or on the skewers. Put over a medium heat and watch for the initial first few wisps of smoke (this will take a few minutes) then cover tightly. Put on the extractor fan and and open a window if possible.

6. Reduce the heat to low and allow our fish to hot smoke. Check the fish after around 15 minutes on if your fish isn’t cooked through either continue to smoke or you can place in the oven/fry it to finish the cooking process. The fish should be moist but no longer translucent. You are looking for an opaque, flaky and moist consistency.

7. Carefully lift the spine and bones from the fish and discard. Serve your smoked trout straight from the smoker warm (having cooled slightly). I prefer mine flaked onto a salad. Enjoy!