YORKSHIRE Water is upping the compensation it pays to customers for loss of supplies.

It and six other water companies will now automatically fork-out extra money to households suffering disruption for 12 or more hours.

The move comes after the firms adopted recommendations from regulator Ofwat.

Customers will receive £30 for every 12-hour period they are cut off, instead of the previous £20 for the initial period and £10 for every subsequent 24 hours.

The Consumer Council for Water has applauded the companies for the decision and is urging others to follow suit.

Andy White, senior policy manager with the organisation, said: "These changes are long overdue so we’re pleased that some companies have acted quickly to implement the improved standards. There is no excuse for other suppliers to wait any longer.

"We also believe a much wider review of compensation is still needed, which goes beyond just the loss of water supply and considers the full range of guaranteed standards that consumers have a right to expect from their water company."